
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Ιανουάριος, 2018

Reflection of the art exhibition of George Fanaras «SinoTwo»

Andreas Liazos [1] and Dr Paraskevi Kitsa [2] Reflection of the art exhibition of George Fanaras «SinoTwo»   During the days of 8-29 September 2017 , the art exhibition ‘ Art & Ethics, Reflection through Art’ took place at Covent Garden in Brussels. This event has been composed by a significant collection of canvases, made by the rising young artist Mr Giorgos Fanaras (SinoTwo). The main concept of this exhibition was based on the field of ethics and the ways that the art’s contribution could increase people’s awareness. Through a variety of ethical topics linked to our modern era, the artist is aiming to magnify the visitors’ attention and understanding about topics like the people’s isolation, the idea of judgement, the destruction of natural sources or the recent increasing flow of war immigrants. It is obvious that these paintings are trying to deliver a clear message for morality issues which are being demonstrated in different forms like scenes b...